Our Mission is to provide responsive, powerful, brief psychological interventions that change life trajectories

Our Vision is to become the Australian telehealth provider of choice for 'psychology and wellness'

Our Purpose is to transform lives for the better

Psychology and Wellness

Did you know that the most occurring number of times that a client visits a psychologist is ‘once’? 

And the majority of clients report high levels of satisfaction with the outcomes achieved in that session.

Research tells us that therapy can take exactly the length of time allocated for it. When the therapist and client expect change to happen now, it often does. It is not necessarily a “one-off” therapy but rather a structured first session which attempts to maximise the client’s first therapeutic encounter, understanding that it may be the only appointment the client chooses to attend while entertaining the possibility of ongoing support as required.

At Single Session Psychology,

we offer:

Qualified psychologists

Our Psychologists are experienced and intuitive.  We draw inspiration and guidance from a broad range of psychological models. We have a deep collection of strategies and skills that can help in the moment.

Be it stress, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma or PTSD, we are here to change life trajectories.

Responsive Services

We will respond quickly and will book you in within days. 

The first session is with a registered SSP trained psychologist.  This may be an extended session and is delivered  via telehealth (video or telephone)

Medicare rebates are available with GP referral.

Ongoing Support

We hope to get the work done in a single session, however, there is the option to follow the first session  with further sessions as required. 

Together we will fine tune your strategy and help you to be accountable to your vision.

Simple & Powerful

We offer stress and wellbeing assessments and interventions for wellbeing

We help you to clarify your values and uncover your character strengths

The gap map tool enables you to identify where you are, where you want to be and how to close that gap

We have done a deep dive on contemporary approaches to supporting you with grief and loss

The Map is a unique approach to understanding life, trauma, resilience, and grief and loss. 

Research has shown that self-regulation is a crucial element to having good mental health



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Committed To Your Growth Journey

The diagram above illustrates the process of change in Single Session Psychology.

Life often throws unsettling events at us, and these disturbing events/emotions can throw us into chaos. This chaos can motivate us to seek support. The goal of support seeking is to discover a transformative idea, a new way of seeing, that enables us to integrate and resolve the disruption. Taking us to a higher level of performance and functioning. This is the goal of Single Session Psychology. Empowering you through connection to resources (yours & ours).

Diagnosis is not everything...

At Single Session Psychology we do so much more than diagnosis. The diagram below depicts mental health as a continuum between being high functioning and low functioning, and having good mental health or struggling with a mental health condition.  We slide around these quadrants on different days and in different contexts.  The work is to assist you to be in the

flourishing quadrant for more time and in more aspects of your life.

This is where we want to be.  Flourishing with good mental health.  Creating the life of our dreams

We can have reasonably good mental health but we still might be functioning poorly. This is about clarity of vision, certainty, motivation and our energy

We can be functioning in our lives but it can feel really difficult and effortful because our mental health. is not right

This is where we have activated mental health conditions that are adversely impacting our functioning

Our Approach

At Single Session Psychology we believe that the power to heal and grow lies inside each of us and our connection with others. Knowing our values, our strengths, our capacity for perspective, and our ability to self regulate, underpins our journey towards wholeness.


The art is in co-creating the space for change. The science is in assessment, formulation, perspective taking and action.

1300 513 310


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